Ironic Space Lisp Part 8


It’s been a while since I posted progress on ISL, and that is mostly my fault. Most of this time was spent making maintenance, like documentation, but also trying to get the self hosted interpreter working and self hosting. That was a challenge, and also my fault.


So, I had a problem. I’m really used to having checks to make sure the code I write is correct. I don’t ask for much, but arity checks are nice, and pretty much every language offers them, either at compile or runtime. Unfortunately, I had a problem. The ISL compiler destroys arity information, replacing it with a simple pointer to function memory. This meant that after code was compiled, I couldn’t check subsequent code against existing code for arity agreement. But at runtime, not only do functions not have arity information, the VM is a stack machine, so there isn’t even an indication of how many items a function is going to take off the stack, making arity double impossible. It’s theoretically possible for the function_lifter pass or the compiler to arity check new code against itself, but not against old code.

As far as I can tell, most VMs don’t store bytecode like the ISL compiler does, and instead keep track of more runtime information so you can arity and type check. When the ISL VM didn’t, it failed silently, and consumed the arguments from the next function call, resulting in runtime type errors if you’re lucky, stack popping errors far from the actual error if you aren’t.

So I added a new system for functions. I added a new data type, Closure, which stores function arity and an address. The function_lifter pass, which does have access to arity information, now replaces functions with Closures rather than raw addresses. At call sites, the compiler does have access to calling arity information, but previously threw it away. It now emits a new instruction, CallArity, which includes the arity of the call. The VM can now notice that the CallArity call is to a closure, and check the arity of the closure against the arity of the instruction. It doesn’t verify that the function actually has this arity, but this system is primarily support for a properly written compiler rather than security. It’s worth noting that both Call and CallArity will work properly with either addresses or closures. Call never checks arity, and CallArity only checks arity with closures, and acts just like Call when passed a raw address. This is to permit strict arity code to interact with less strictly compiled code, although this doesn’t have a use case yet.

Syscalls have been updated to work with arities where possible1.

A new parser

I was having an issue where cargo was printing compilation errors twice. I thought it was related to lalrpop, the parser generator I was using. Also, I had had some time away from it, so I wanted to try nom again. It turns out that printing error messages twice is intended behavior, or at least it’s unrelated to lalrpop. Also, nom was very frustrating and hard to use. I got the parser working, but couldn’t for the life of me figure out how to properly parse comments, and my attempts broke in ways I simply didn’t understand, and it made me question my sanity and parsers in general. I wanted the parser to error out when it couldn’t parse something, but but nom kept partially consuming input strings, and silently leaving the string unparsed. I couldn’t, for the life of me, figure out how to make nom treat it as an error (apparently complete! refers to some other issue, and using CompleteStr everywhere didn’t help either), so I had to write a wrapper function to do this properly.

/// Parses a string to a vector of `data::Literal`s.
pub fn parse(input: &str) -> Result<Vec<data::Literal>> {
    let mut input = CompleteStr(input);
    let mut lits = vec![];

    while input != CompleteStr("") {
        match tagged_expr(input) {
            Ok((rem, l)) => {
                input = rem;
            e => return Err(format_err!("Parse error: {:?}", e)),


Note that this code manually parses single exprs out until the string is empty, and totally ignores the many! macro that is supposed to help in this situation.

I’m thinking of rewriting the parser by hand for better error reporting, but the whole string parser and AST parser suffer very poor usability, mostly because they’re blind to file locations, so they can’t report targeted errors. That’s why AST parser error messages contain context information like “While parsing multi expression 3”, so you have to count by hand down your do expression or whatever.

I don’t think Rust has a really strong language grammar parser that really closely fits my needs, but I’m not sure if I want to invest more time here. To me, it’s not the interesting part of the project, and it’s “good enough”, in the sense that it no longer silently eats errors.

The self hosted interpreter.

The good news is that the self hosted interpreter can interpret itself fully, and can easily be extended to support new language features. It’s obviously very slow, but there are some very obvious inefficiencies in the implementation, like the use of [assoc lists][cmu_assoc] for environment bindings, full structural recursion, and the manual implementations of map, foldl, and filter (although higher order sycalls are still an unsolved problem).

First, a note on tool quality. I didn’t want to learn how to write language modes in emacs (and every other tool), so I was using clojure-mode for syntax highlighting and indentation. From [d9dfc3a][cloj_commit]’s commit message,

I also discovered that clojure-mode in emacs is the best way to format ISL code, but that it’s very particular in its indenting. If let bindings aren’t in brackets, it doesn’t indent correctly, so I added brackets to the list of acceptable delimiters. Also, lambda doesn’t exist in Clojure, it uses fn, and clojure-mode formats fn differently from other function applications, so I aliased fn in the AST parser. Nowhere else though.

It’s really not my intent to imitate Clojure so much. Although it’s a major inspiration, and I’m a big Clojure fan, ISL has very different goals. These are good changes, I was going to add more permitted delimiters, and Rich Hickey has great ideas, but I don’t want to look like a stalker fanboy.

After mostly implementing the interpreter, and testing it on a few small code chunks, I decided to throw the entire itself at itself, just to see what would happened. I meant it as a joke, but I then seriously attempted to debug the interpreter while it was running its own code, and without fully verifying it worked.

The main problem was that the interpreter was fundamentally broken, and did hilariously wrong things, but I didn’t write enough tests to figure that out. Instead, I would observe that the output of the VM’s tests and the self-hosted interpreter differed, and then I would have trouble figuring out which layer the error originated at. Was the VM-hosted interpreter erroring out because I wrote the ancillary code wrong, or was the interpreter-hosted interpreter erroring out because its attempt to interpret the ancillary code was broken. This was raised to absurd levels when the interpreter was erroring out on itself, and not even print statements could help. The self hosted interpreter didn’t have any back tracing, and when the interpreter-hosted interpreter failed, the frame stack for the VM was from the interpreter one layer up, where it was doing very boring things. This is like finding a bug in the VM, looking at the Rust stacktrace, and observing that the error happened while executing an instruction in the VM. It’s not even relevant which instruction, the relevant debug information is stored in the application state, and the interpreter offered no way to inspect it directly, only through print expressions, which themselves sometimes broke. Early in the process, I began tagging all interpreter-hosted print expressions as triggered by the interpreted code, but sometimes I would accidentally pass a really big environment to print instead of a smaller value, and massive sexprs would vomit onto my terminal. It turns out sticking an entire interpreter and all its supporting functions (see [examples/lisp.isl][lisp_isl] to see all the “library” functions and “structs” I had to implement by hand) results in a lot of code heavily nested and entirely unreadable sexprs.

Although verifying the several different language implementations with a strict suite of test cases would be a good idea (and fixing the Rust interpreter in turn), and would reveal vagaries in the existing language design (and just how bad the environment code is in the bytecode VM.) I think the multicore code would be interesting and rewarding, but I can’t implement that on top of any ISL implementation other than the VM, but it’s one of the harder implementations to ensure is correct. I think the Rust-based interpreter will be easiest to make correct, and then using it to ensure the ISL interpreter is correct, and then finally working on the VM. Almost all the implementations make certain assumptions about how environment bindings work that the absolutely shouldn’t, and although I think fixing them in the interpreter will be easiest, I think the VM will require some major changes.

Language Leverage

The data module was probably the first code I wrote in this project, as befits a data oriented programming style. Since that day, I’ve been writing code like this:

// (eval (quote (do *lits)) '())
let caller = data::list(vec![

This code is building nested data literals out of raw Rust struct constructors, and man is it wordy. This code is particularly bad because it has to preface all the structs with the module name, but this is by no means the biggest data literal in the codebase. Although much of this code was in tests, it made the tests very difficult to read, and difficult to read means difficult to verify.

I eventually remembered that you can implement From to allow for near-automatic type conversion, and decided to implement a bunch of them for the single field Literal structs. It was a pretty boilerplate chunk of code, but it makes it that much easier. For example,

impl From<u32> for Literal {
    fn from(n: u32) -> Literal {

Of course, Rust vectors can’t be heterogeneously typed, so you can’t do something like vec!["keyword", 1, true].into(), the vector can’t be represented in Rust, so you can’t write a From implementation to convert it. You would have to do vec!["keyword".into(), 1.into(), true.into()].into(), which is still pretty cumbersome. How to solve this? The list_lit macro. A macro can take heterogeneously typed lists like this, ensure they each get converted properly, and then wrap the entire list properly.

macro_rules! list_lit {
    () => {

    ( $($x:expr),* ) => {{
        let mut v = $crate::data::Vector::new();
        let l: $crate::data::Literal = v.into();

    ( $($x:expr, )* ) => {{
        let mut v = $crate::data::Vector::new();
            let l: $crate::data::Literal = v.into();

The implementation initially relied on the vector![] macro from the im crate (which is the container that backs data::Literal::List values), but I had real trouble gaining access to the macro from crates that imported ironic_space_lisp but not im. It doesn’t seem to be directly possible, and I couldn’t even get reasonable access to Vector, a normal struct type, so I had to reexport it from the data module with

pub use im::vector::Vector;

The rest of the implementation is inspired by the implementation details of vector![]. I also had trouble figuring out how to trigger Rust’s type inference to make into() work properly, which is why it has so many reassignments.

  1. Some syscalls are “stack” syscalls which don’t specify an arity and push and pop the stack as they please. There are none of them right now, but if there were, they wouldn’t have defined arities, so you couldn’t check their arity. [cmu_assoc]: [cloj_commit]: [lisp_isl]: ↩︎

rust code language