Flows the Wrong Way, Part 2: The Right Way


Note in 2022: I’m in a very different state of mind compared to when I wrote this, and neither part represents my modern voice or style particularly well. I think it’s still a good story.

In my last post, I covered my first attempt to implement TCP streaming in Flow, a data flow library for Elixir. My first attempts involved a bunch of failed Unix sockets, and an attempt to implement a GenStage that failed for reasons I didn’t understand. I eventually settled on this:

    fn -> nil end,
    fn _ -> { TcpStream.Aggregator.get_buffer(), nil } end,
    fn _ -> nil

Stream.resource/3 can be converted into a Flow with Flow.from_enumerables/2. This is implemented with the assumption that the stream is synchronous (I think), and it continuously polls the 2nd function for new stream items. I’m not entirely sure if you’re allowed to block the stream process, but if you were, you could write something like:

    fn -> socket end,
    fn socket -> { :gen_tcp.recv(socket), socket } end,
    fn socket -> nil

But let’s get back to my failure. TcpStream.Aggregator.get_buffer() is a GenServer call that polls each Socket’s internal buffer, and aggregates the results, and the stream continuously polls when it wants data, so the entire system is constantly polling and emptying the socket’s internal buffers.

The Bug

This is actually the bug I mentioned in the last article. Let’s discuss :gen_tcp’s behavior, and how it relates to this project. The data sources this project is dealing with is basically “one JSON object per line, but millions of lines”, which is actually really convenient. Trying to implement or use a streaming JSON decoder properly would be a real pain for this project, and the data is obviously too large to hold a single JSON object that large in memory, so keeping these JSON objects independent from a parsing perspective makes things much easier: you can just parse each line independently. However, because each JSON object is pretty large (some are larger than 50,000 characters), the lines can be really long. They are always newline delimited, however. To that end, the initial implementation of this project was using files on disk, and opening those files as streams with the :line option, which causes the file to be read line by line, rather than all at once or in fixed sized binary chunks.

:gen_tcp also offers a :line option, but also offers a :buffer option for configuring the size of the socket’s internal buffer, and the {:active, :once} feature for controlling backpressure and ensuring GenServer responsiveness. These 3 options interact in an interesting way. The socket wants to report lines, and it only wants to report one line at a time, and because :active, it reports them by sending messages to its controlling process. However, it has an internal buffer, so what it does is chunk the messages. It reads to the end of the line, or then end of its buffer, and sends the buffer to the controlling process, then it repeats until it reaches the end of the line, where it stops, waiting for the {:active, :once} to be reset so it can continue reading.

This means that, even if you have {:active, :once} set, you can receive multiple messages from your socket while in :line mode. You won’t be overwhelmed with data (except in pathological cases), but you might receive a couple more messages than you expect. Reconstructing the message is easy, you just concatenate the buffers you receive. When someone empties your buffer, you can reset {:active, :once}, and fill your buffer again. Based on your knowledge of the rest of the system, can you see the bug yet?

Here’s the bug: Stream.resource/3 continuously polls the Aggregator, and the Aggregator in turn polls the sockets directly. It does this constantly, because it’s a spinlock. So what happens if a Socket gets polled in the middle of a line? That is, what happens with :gen_tcp has sent one part of a line to a Socket, but not the other, and the Socket gets polled? It returns a partial buffer, and the rest of the buffer ends up divorced, and neither of them are valid JSON objects, so the entire line would be lost.

We initially thought this bug was a buffer size issue: that :gen_tcp simply truncated lines that were too long. This is tantalizingly close to how it works (because shorter lines are never split like this), but we should have known better. However, when looking at the data that was getting truncated and dropped, we didn’t see data that wasn’t going to be dropped elsewhere, as we were primarily concerned with shorter posts. Fun fact (actually this time), most of the posts that got dropped due to length were either very long link heavy posts (heavily researched articles, long lists of deals with links to store pages) because the links got encoded with escape sequences to fit into JSON strings without breaking. Other posts that got dropped were a genre we code named “Unicode fuckery”, which were either posts with huge numbers of emoji, or Zalgo-esque spaghetti nightmare posts that caused mobile browsers and clients to crash under the strain, except instead of a steady degradation into unreadability, they were just solid walls of character noise. Both of these presented problems due to the way they were encoded in JSON: as "\uXXXX" characters. They also tended to be compound Unicode characters, so each “character” would be multiple escape sequences so although the site had a limit on the size of its content, the JSON representation could be up to 8 times larger thanks to this sort of encoding.

The fix in this context is easy: maintain a shadow buffer of the partial line, and only fill the real buffer when you know you have a real line. Really though, polling your buffers is a bad idea, so I set out to fix the whole issue

The Right Way

GenStage is pretty cool, and from an user side, it’s pretty slick and simple, because the details of demand and backpressure are mostly hidden from you, unless you get into manual implementation of ProducerConsumers. Luckily, we’re only concerned with Producers, as all our ProducerConsumers are pretty generic, and implemented by Flow already. However, the use case of “Listen on a TCP port and feed all the lines into a Flow” stage didn’t seem to be covered, so I wrote the Stream hack. That’s an obvious hack though, so I wanted to write a real GenStage, but having already failed 2 times, I had obviously missed something.

Here’s what I missed. The fundamental feature of GenStages is an additional field in the return value. While GenServers return values in the form of {:reply, message, new_state}, or {:noreply, new_state}, GenStage adds another return value, {:noreply, [events], new_state}, allowing GenStages to emit new events at any time.

However, this feature isn’t strongly represented in the documentation or example GenStages. In general, examples emit events immediately. Sample handle_demand/2 implementations simply returns all the requested items, and handle_events/3 map over the incoming events, returning them directly.

It doesn’t have to be that way, however. Allow me to quote from the documentation on handle_demand/2

This callback is invoked on :producer stages with the demand from consumers/dispatcher. The producer that implements this callback must either store the demand, or return the amount of requested events.

This is a slightly odd phrase:

store the demand

However, you can interpret this to mean that, as a producer, you need to keep track of the number of events requested from you, and if you don’t directly return those events, you have to keep emitting them somehow. As it turns out, this is exactly how it works, and it works great1.

The Implementation

Although not strictly speaking necessary, I decided to remove essentially all polling from the system, rather than simply the worst offenders. This made the fix for the bug mentioned above easy, and improved the system’s efficiency. The overall structure is the same (sockets accept connections and are supervised dynamically, aggregator unifies the data for the public interface), but the control has been inverted somewhat.

Previously, the aggregator only maintained a list of sockets, and polled them on command. Now, the aggregator is a full GenStage, so in addition to keeping track of sockets, it also keeps track of demand and buffers events.

Sockets accept on the listening socket, and when accepted, they register with the aggregator and start the next Socket for more accepts. The socket relies on outside actors to set its {:active, :once} trigger properly, which can be done in 2 ways. The first is a standard GenServer call. The Socket also keeps track of and shadow buffers lines until it has a full lines, whereupon it pushes the lines to the aggregator (although without newlines). When the aggregator receives a message push, it informs the socket of whether there is additional demand, and whether the Socket should continue receiving.

Meanwhile, the aggregator buffers the lines, and emits events, keeping track of remaining demand.

Here’s the Socket:

defmodule TcpStage.Socket do
  use GenServer

  def start_link(args) do
    GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, args)

  # Pass in both the listening socket and the aggregator
  def init([ lsocket, agg ]) do
    {:ok, %{lsocket: lsocket, agg: agg, buffer: nil}, 0}

  def handle_info(:timeout, %{lsocket: lsocket, agg: agg} = state) do
    {:ok, socket} = :gen_tcp.accept(lsocket)

    # Start the next socket acceptor.
    {:ok, _} = TcpStage.SocketSupervisor.start_child()

    # Register with the aggregator, which will monitor us
    :ok = GenServer.call(agg, :register)

    {:noreply, Map.put(state, :socket, socket)}

  # Add data to the buffer, then check to see if we need to emit lines.
  def handle_info({:tcp, _sock, data}, %{buffer: buf, agg: agg, socket: socket} = state) do
    data = if buf != nil do
      buf <> data

    lines = String.split(data, "\n")
    {messages, buf} = extract_data(lines)

    if messages != [] do
      if GenServer.call(agg, {:messages, messages}) == :continue do
        # If the aggregator wants more lines, reset the socket
        :inet.setopts(socket, [{:active, :once}])

    {:noreply, %{state | buffer: buf}}

  # Allow an external process (probably the aggregator) to reset our socket.
  # Note that resetting an already reset socket is just fine.
  def handle_cast(:reset_socket, %{socket: socket} = state) do
    :inet.setopts(socket, [{:active, :once}])
    {:noreply, state}

  def handle_info({:tcp_closed, _sock}, state) do
    {:stop, {:shutdown, :tcp_closed}, state}

  def handle_info({:tcp_error, _sock, reason}, state) do
    {:stop, reason, state}

  def terminate(_reason, state) do
    if state[:socket] do

  # Takes a list of strings from a buffer being split,
  # and returns {full_lines, remaining_buffer}.
  # If the buffer ends in a newline (for example), the last
  # element will be the empty string, so we know the second to
  # last line is a full line. If it isn't then this is the truncated
  # first part of a line, and it needs to go back in the buffer.
  def extract_data(lines) when is_list(lines) do
    extract_data_internal(lines, [])

  defp extract_data_internal([f | rest] = lines, out) do
    if length(rest) == 0 do
      out = Enum.reverse(out)
      if f == "" do
        {out, nil}
        {out, f}
      extract_data_internal(rest, [f | out])

Erlang offers a nice double ended queue with nice performance characteristics in the :queue, but its API isn’t quite as friendly, so this uses normal lists. This could be a problem if those lists get very long, but this shouldn’t happen, as the Socket will automatically push lines to the aggregator, who must accept them, and although there are no hard limits on how long lines can be, lines long enough to seriously impact the performance of this socket are very rare, even in weird data sets like ours.

Let’s look at the aggregator GenStage

defmodule TcpStage do
  use GenStage

  # Fixes a deadlock where a Socket doesn't get triggered,
  # but demand remains
  @timeout 10000

  def start_link(args) do
    GenStage.start_link(__MODULE__, args, name: __MODULE__)

  def init([]) do


    # Maybe change buffer to :queue for speed
    {:producer, %{pids: [], buffer: [], demand: 0}}

  def handle_call(:register, {pid, _ref}, %{pids: pids} = state) do
    IO.inspect({:registration, pid})

    # Mutual GenServer calls aren't allowed, so this blocks
    # another process until we return.
    spawn fn -> GenServer.cast(pid, :reset_socket)  end

    {:reply, :ok, [], %{state | pids: [pid | pids]}}

  # Delegates to deliver_messages, but informs callers whether there is
  # more demand.
  def handle_call({:messages, messages}, _from, state) do
    {_, ans, state} = deliver_messages(state, messages)

    reply = if state[:demand] > 0 do

    {:reply, reply, ans, state}

  def handle_info({:DOWN, _, :process, from, _} = msg, %{pids: pids} = state) do
    IO.inspect({:mon_down, msg })
    {:noreply, [], %{state | pids: List.delete(pids, from)}}

  # I had an issue where the system hung with sockets no reset despite demand
  # remaining. This automatically triggers sockets if there is demand. See set_timer/0.
  def handle_info(:timeout, %{pids: pids, demand: demand} = state) do
    if demand > 0 do
    {:noreply, [], state}

  # Delegates to deliver_messages
  def handle_demand(demand, %{demand: old_demand, pids: pids} = state) when demand > 0 do

    deliver_messages(%{state | demand: old_demand + demand}, [])

  # Sends :timeout to itself arter @timeout milliseconds.
  # This is necessary to fix a deadlock bug, but also because GenStage
  # doesn't expose the timeout option that GenServer has, and which Socket uses.
  def set_timer do
    :erlang.send_after(@timeout, self(), :timeout)

  # This doesn't really need to be syncronous.
  def reset_all(pids) do
    Parallel.pmap(pids, fn pid ->
      GenServer.cast(pid, :reset_socket)

  # Handles the heavy lifting of splitting, buffering, and demand.
  def deliver_messages(%{demand: demand, buffer: buffer} = state, messages) do
    # This could be inefficient, but using :queue can fix that.
    buffer = buffer ++ messages

    # Demand is usually much higher, so rest is usually []
    {ans, rest} = Enum.split(buffer, demand)

    # This could also be inefficient, but requires more work than just :queue
    # to make efficient.
    new_demand = max(demand - length(ans), 0)

    # 2nd argument emits events
    {:noreply, ans, %{state | buffer: rest, demand: new_demand}}

And that’s it. I’ve omitted the supervisors, because they’re nearly identical to the last ones. I don’t have empirical data saying this is faster, but at least it’s not a spinlock. From the vocabulary and structure of the Socket, you might be thinking that it looks a lot like a GenStage. It emits events, and responds to back pressure. In fact {:active, :once} isn’t the only limiting mode possible, you can configure :gen_tcp to give you several buffers worth of data, rather than just one, before needing to be reset. However, it wasn’t clear how to integrate Flow with multiple dynamically spawning and dying GenStages: the API seems to support static stages only. I could be missing something, but implementing your own dynamic stage wouldn’t be too hard, but that’s for another post, I think.

So why was this so hard? This is basically a “me” problem, because the documentation probably mentions this particular detail somewhere, and I never noticed, but I think maybe an example that uses this technique might also be good. In retrospect, it should have been obvious, but the example code samples were limited, and didn’t really express when you could emit events. Having written a good GenStage, I’m confident I can write more good stages.

Thanks for reading, and I hope I helped someone with the same revelations I needed.

  1. Before I realized this, I thought that handle_demand/2 had to effectively be synchronous, and I thought that was insane, because synchronously waiting for the next TCP line (with gen_tcp:recv) would obviously cause timeouts in handle_demand/2↩︎

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