[11:20 PM] Adam: Shaggy memes are just chuck norris memes [11:07 PM] Adam: come at me [11:08 PM] Jim: Lol someone make this a meme with the guy at the table [11:10 PM] Eve: that's a hot take [11:14 PM] (Me): I feel that Shaggy memes are noticeably different from Chuck Norris memes. Clearly from a similar genre, but with a different feel. Chuck Norris is a person. Shaggy is an eldritch spirit that possesses hosts to inflict his Shaggy will on the world. He has no respect for human customs, and to even stand in his presence is to invite death or worse, recreation. He is Chuck Norris with an taste of modern nihilism. A Lovecraftian take on the "superman", an injection of the alien. It is also worth noting that Chuck Norris is very much of this world. Frequently Norris memes speak not of Chuck Norris doing something, but of a world in which Norris has no need to do something, the world merely bends and flows around his will. Shaggy, on the other hand, is undeniable an outsider. The world around Shaggy does not bend to his will, it breaks to it. [11:15 PM] Jim: OMG (ME) [11:16 PM] (Me): @Adam [11:16 PM] Adam: Did you right that? But I fucking love that analysis [11:17 PM] Adam: It's accurate too [11:17 PM] Adam: write* [11:17 PM] (Me): Yeah, I wrote it [11:18 PM] Adam: Damn, nice. It's pretty accurate too. Shaggy memes are about using power, chuck noris memes are about his existence being power. [11:19 PM] Jim: I feel like when Shaggy uses 100% of his power, we'll have another Big Bang [11:19 PM] Eve: (Me), remind me to never ever debate you about memes [11:19 PM] Pam Halpert: Like that's only 100% of his first level dude [11:19 PM] Jim: He has four stages [11:20 PM] Jim: Like Goku [11:20 PM] (Me): I'd also like to cite this meme https://i.imgur.com/dD4FWds.jpg, in which Shaggy creates an entire person to play Velma because the producers failed to cast an existing human actor. This is a meme that simply does not fit into a Chuck Norris framework. Chuck Norris's power would manifest as Velma's actor already existing, or not needing Velma for the movie, which isn't really a joke. [11:20 PM] Adam: (Me) is the fucking mistress of meme lore [11:20 PM] Adam: To be fair there's also one where he created the entire cast as well [11:21 PM] (Me): But also one in which the cast had to painstakingly translate the ancient tablets to cast the protection spells necessary to stand in Shaggy's presence (https://i.imgur.com/J1BK59E.jpg), so we aren't necessarily dealing with a coherent lore, but more an aesthetic [11:21 PM] Jim: ...so Paganism [11:21 PM] (Me): Anyway, thanks Eve, I'll be sure to remind you :smiley: [11:21 PM] Eve: It's a collection of loose tales woven into a mythos [11:21 PM] Jim: Got it. I'll sacrifice to the lord Shaggy [11:21 PM] (Me): Mythos is a very good word for it. [11:23 PM] Eve: Just got done reading about Greek hero worship hahaha [11:23 PM] (Me): It also evokes "Lovecraftian Mythos", which is an aesthetic that Shaggy really borrows from, although in a strangely personal way. [11:24 PM] Eve: The King in Drab Green [11:24 PM] (Me): omg [11:24 PM] Eve: :jcdragonkeke: